Benefits of summer schools

I will be a participant of your summer school. What might I expect? More...

  • Do I receive any certificate after completing summer school? 

Yes. All students who complete the summer school programme with success (if you have attended at least 60% of classes) will receive an attendance certificate. Additionally you will also receive a detailed supplementary which lists courses names, number of contact hours, grades achieved and number of ECTS credits.

  • Does your summer school provide me any ECTS credits?

Yes. The summer school program has been prepared in such a way as to enable students to achieve from 5 to 7 ECTS credits. It depends on the summer school – please check the number of credits in the description of the summer school on our webpage.

  • Can I get any scholarship?

Yes. But please remember that you will be granted a scholarship only if:

  1. you are qualified to the summer school realized in the formula comprising both onsite and online mode (blended learning),
  2. you will arrive to Warsaw specially to take part in 5-day exercises and practical training in WUT laboratories,
  3. you are not residing in Poland for another purpose than your participation in the summer school (e.g. study, work etc.) and your stay is not financed within the framework of another project supported by public funding (both national and EU funding), e.g. you are a student on Erasmus exchange, receiving scholarship or resources covering the cost of living etc.

More information about the rules for granting and payment of scholarship is available in the “Regulations of recruitment, participation, payment of scholarships in the project International summer schools of the Warsaw University of Technology”.

  • Who will conduct lectures and workshops?

During the summer schools all lectures and workshops will be conducted by renowned professors and researchers from the Warsaw University of Technology. Meet our lecturers!